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Ear Piercing and Wellness Check Ups

Learn more about the importance of routine pediatric checkups.ear piercing, wellness check ups

Before your child is even born, you are probably making the tough decision of choosing a pediatrician. Here at 7 Days Pediatrics, we are honored that all of our patients put their trust in our South Plainfield and Edison, NJ, pediatricians. In order to keep your little one healthy, you’ll need to bring them in for regular checkups, especially during the first couple years of their life. Here’s what happens during your child’s wellness checkup and why they are important.

Coming in for routine checkups is the number one way for our South Plainfield and Edison children’s doctors to be able to follow and document the growth and development of your child through all stages of their childhood. It’s important that you have a doctor that will be able to make sure your child is reaching these milestones. Developmental milestones are categorized into cognitive skills, social skills, speech, fine and gross motor skills, and everyday skills (e.g. brushing teeth; eating). Since delays in some of these areas can also increase your child’s chances for learning or attention problems it’s important that these issues are discovered and treated as soon as possible.

Furthermore, our goal as your pediatrician is to make sure that any illnesses we can prevent from infecting your little one is our top priority. This is why immunizations are key. Your child will have to undergo a series of immunizations from birth until 18 years old, and it’s important that you keep up with this specific immunization schedule to ensure that your child is fully protected from a variety of serious and potentially fatal diseases.

Of course, these routine checkups can also be beneficial for parents. No matter whether you are a seasoned parent or new to the parenting ballgame, we know you will have questions along the way regarding your child’s diet, health, and lifestyle. We are here to provide answers and address concerns you might have to ensure that your child leads a healthy life. This includes everything from providing helpful advice on how to maintain a healthy weight to offering up sports physicals to make sure that your child is healthy enough to play sports. We can offer all this and more to make these routine checkups helpful for the whole family.

At some point, you may be considering whether to pierce your child’s ears. Sure, there are many places to get your child’s ears pierced but this doesn’t necessarily mean they are safe and sanitary. If you are planning on piercing your child’s ears why not choose a doctor, who will be able to do it safely? If you have questions about getting your child’s ears pierced just as us about it at their next checkup.

7 Days Pediatrics offers two locations in Edison, NJ, and an office in South Plainfield, NJ, to serve you better. If you need to schedule your child’s next checkup or if you are interested in finding out about ear piercing services, call our office today.

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